July Promotion

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Hi everybody, it’s ReDevelopInc. I’m Brendan Merk. Got an offer for you guys for the month of July. If you order a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment report I can throw in an Environmental Lien search or do a Chain of Title search at half price. Environmental Lien search – the Phase I is just part of that AAI standard that we’re all trying to hit. Another part of that normally not included in the Phase I is that Environmental Lien search. Those are normally $170. For the month of July I’m throwing those in for free. Chain of Title search – that’s another important historical document, like your historical aerials, topographic maps. Chain of Title search comes in handy for just showing who’s owned the piece of property over time. So that’s normally $400. I’ve got those on sale for the month of July for $200. So that’s it. Order of Phase I in the month of July and I will throw in the Environmental Lien search for free or I can throw in the Chain of Title search at half price. Brendan Merk, ReDevelopInc.

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