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Company Overview

ReDevelopInc. can provide solutions for a wide range of environmental issues – from subsurface contamination to basic hydrology problems. We bring a critical eye to find common sense ideas that work in the real world.

We do the right thing, the right way. Our Phase I Environmental Site Assessment reports are technically excellent. Real problems are identified and minor problems are not exaggerated. We make recommendations you can rely on.

With over 20 years experience, RedevelopInc. thinks creatively to find the least intrusive way possible to solve environmental concerns. We bring excellence in our technical and written work to provide the best possible product.
We are the best
Top Notch
ReDevelopInc. provides common-sense solutions that work for environmental problems. We know that environmental issues can be frustrating. Our goal is to be an advocate for our clients, to address concerns in a timely manner, and to make sure that the environmental work is never the hold-up on your project. ReDevelopInc. provides “Customized Environmental Solutions” to meet your need.
What we do
Principal Activities
ReDevelopInc. works to provide common-sense solutions to environmental problems. We know that environmental issues can be frustrating. Our goal is to be an advocate for our clients and to address concerns in a timely manner and to make sure that the environmental work is never the ‘hold-up’ on your project.
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Property Acquisition
Have you ever taken a used car to a mechanic, That's part of the due diligence of responsible ownership - ensuring that you're purchasing a quality product. When buying or selling commercial property, that due diligence involves an environmental assessment.
Asbestos Inspections
This once common building material was nearly banned outright due to strongly negative health effects. While its use has dropped significantly since the late 1970’s, US EPA regulations require testing before the renovation or demolition of any government or commercial structure.
Radon Testing
Radon is radioactive. Trapped in your home, the gas can break down into other elements, including polonium, inside your lungs. This can cause damage to the sensitive tissues in the lungs. As a result, radon gas is the second leading cause of lung cancer in the United States. The good news is that it’s easy to fix homes to drastically reduce radon levels. The first step is to get your home tested.
Site Assessment & Remediation
ReDevelopInc. can chase down subsurface contaminants and determine the appropriate steps for remediation. Our goal is to always use the least intrusive and least expensive methods possible. Ask for a free quote to address your soil, groundwater, and air sampling needs.
Groundwater Modeling
In complex geological settings, models provide predictive power to understanding the way groundwater moves through an aquifer. Our experienced personnel can use modeling to provide a defensible strategy for risk assessment and can help to reduce the number of monitoring wells needed at a facility. Fewer monitoring wells also means a reduction in long-term monitoring costs.
Karst Topography
Assessing groundwater flow can be a challenge in areas with ordinary geological settings. Having a karst landform introduces caves and subsurface flow, which can significantly increase the complexity involved with the migration and remediation of contamination. ReDevelopInc. can perform the dye tracing and geophysical investigations needed to get the job done.
Working Hard For Green Future
ReDevelopInc. sounds like “redeveloping”. Our name is what we do. Our vision is to find liabilities in the communities we serve and turn them into assets, making the places we live more livable.

The $500
No Further
Action Letter
Gas station release investigation closed in less than a month for less than $500. Unbelievable. HOW?

ReDevelopinc. provides common-sense solutions that work for environmental problems. We know that environmental issues can be frustrating. Our goal is to be an advocate for our clients, to address concerns in a timely manner, and to make sure that the environmental work is never the hold-up on your project. ReDevelopInc. provides “Customized Environmental Solutions” to meet your needs.
High Standards
At ReDevelopInc., we seek to ensure that the environmental component is never the “hold-up” for a project. This is accomplished through our hands-on approach in maintaining frequent and effective communication, to keep you in-the-know, and finding innovative solutions with a keen eye for detail.